Wednesday, November 16, 2011

From the Diary of Altus Tien I

March 5
Near Strahnbrad

We're a day's ride from Strahnbrad and have set up camp for the night. King Terenas has asked Lord Uther and the rest of us to look into claims of attacks by orc raiders. On the road this morning, we were met by a family traveling to Andorhal. They told us the greenskins have been coming at night to take citizens and sacrifice them to their demon gods. We have no evidence of these claims yet, but each day seems to bring more reports of orcs escaping the camps. Having seen for myself the orcs' dark magics, I find myself believing the stories.
We are not to be alone in this fight. Lord Uther tells us Strahnbrad has little more than a token defense force, so King Terenas has sent his son to join us. I welcome the presence of Prince Arthas, but I admit I'm more hopeful to see a courier with some word from Naya. I've been away from her for two months now, I miss her terribly and long to hold her again.