Monday, February 25, 2008

The Beginning

Here I will post my story as it forms. It is based on characters and elements from the world of Warcraft, as envisioned by the Warcraft game series. Most of it is based off of characters and storylines in the game World of Warcraft, my favorite video game which I no longer play, due to time and financial constraints. If I could play again, I would. Instead I am resigned to reminiscing about the good ol' days with my friend, Jeff (also a recovering Warcraft-oholic), and my brother-in-law, of whom I am envious because he does have the means to play.

This is a work-in-beginning-progress, hopefully to be more fruitful than my off-to-a-sudden-stop Star Wars-based story. Feel free to comment, to critique, and to offer advice.

All characters, places, events, and related elements are taken from and based on the Warcraft Universe, created by Blizzard Entertainment. They have exclusive rights to the Warcraft Universe. This story is for simple entertainment and is not, for the time being, to be used in any way for profit of any kind.

I hope, should Blizzard stumble upon this small corner of the internet, that they will allow me to express my creativity through their world.

1 comment:

Sarah Lambson said...

So you are NOT continuing with the star wars story? My last story attempt is kind of like that only I would like to continue it when I have a better plot synopsis. I guess I'll read your war craft story you nerd. I anxiously await to next installment. I would like for you, if you have the time, to return the favor and comment if you feel so inclined.