Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Main Man

This is an aid to creating a character, courtesy of Dramatis Personae. I decided to use it to help flesh out the main character of the story.

Name: Nikolas Tien

Hair Color: Brown to dark brown; has facial hair- not too groomed, but not really scruffy.

Eye Color: Brown

Height/Weight: 6 feet tall, about 220. Very strong, defined, athletic, healthy.

Age: 31. He was born a year before the Horde first invaded Azeroth (according to the following timeline).

Social Status: His family is part of the lesser nobility in Alterac. Long story short- Alterac was a nobility-based kingdom that turned on the other human kingdoms during the Second War(Warcraft II). The Alliance found out, got pissed, labeled the Alterac rulers as traitors, and kicked them out of their own kingdom.

Family: Nikolas' mother, Merika, is the daughter of a higher Alterac noble (name and particulars to be fleshed out later), one of the prestigious and haughty kind. She showed magical potential and studied at Dalaran (big city for wizards and Dumbledores-in-training). During an extended stay at home, she began to be courted by a man named Galor Tien, a sort-of lesser noble (kind of a middle class: well educated but not as rich as the snobby nobles, and often craftsmen and tradesman by profession but not as poor as peasants and many farmers). The class difference pissed her father off, but she married Galor anyway and they had Nikolas. He has a younger sister, Katia (her details to be fleshed out later). Nikolas is currently single.

Hometown: Nicholas was born in the Alterac capital, Strahnbrad, where his family lived until Nikolas was 9. His father, who had fought in both wars against the Horde, had befriended a number of dwarves and elves in battle. One of Galor's best friends, Uri Thundermantle, invited Galor and his family to live in the foothills near Aerie Peak, home to the Wildhammer dwarven clans.

Concept (a 2-5 word description of how you envision your character): honest but uncertain do-gooder.


Kirsti said...

Love the description of your main character! And I also love how you've chosen Desmond as the guy to portray him.

Sorry if I haven't commented before but I really love your concept and your overall story. I just wish that I was more knowledgeable in WoW so that I had a better idea of what you're talking about. But it sounds really cool! I'm excited to see some new developments.

Oh, and where do you come up with ALL THESE NAMES?! Is there a WoW name generator or something?

Sarah Lambson said...

I agree with do you come up with names? Actually, I think I have already asked you this question and forgot the answer.

Names are definitely one of the hardest things for me.

Peeser said...

Okay, so maybe you won't even read this considering how old this post is, but I figured if I'm to give you feedback on anything current, I should probably read the old stuff so I'm fairly caught up (I did read the backstory you e-mailed me a few months ago, but I've forgotten a lot of it, so hopefully this will be a good refresher...)

anyway, this brief character sketch is very helpful (did you tell Kirsti you envisioned a Desmond-looking character? Or did she come up with that on her own? My first thought was someone kind of like Aragorn, but Desmond fits nicely...

So far, so good- on to the more recent posts!