Friday, February 27, 2009

Character Brief: Caiberd Layette

Caiberd Layette (born -56) comes from a long line of Alterac nobles, powerful enough to be part of the king's inner circle but never in line for the throne itself. Caiberd married Vetla Finsy when he was 28 (-28), and their first and only child came along two years later (-26). The Layettes named their daughter Naya, after Caiberd's great grandmother, who had been known as one of the most beautiful women in the Alterac court.

Caiberd staunchly supported Lord Aiden Perenolde's rise to power and stood beside him in all decisions. Caiberd gave his loyalty not out of any moral obligation or sense of fealty- he simpy felt that Aiden was his best chance for remaing wealthy and powerful. Aiden rewarded Caiberd with money, influence and prestige throughout all of Alterac. Caiberd built up a sizeable estate, including a large mansion outside of Strahbrad, his own personal security force, and a multitude of servants. He wanted his daughter and her future family to enjoy the same luxury he did, and treated her like a queen. For Naya, Caiberd saw a future of marriage to a son of Alterac Nobility, perhaps even to Lord Perenolde's son himself.

With that in mind, it isn't hard to imagine Caiberd's anger when he learned that his daughter intended to marry Altus Tien, a cleric from the southern kingdom of Stormwind (-4). In his mind, Caiberd felt that Naya was turning her back on all he had done for her and all he had hoped for her. It was, in essence, a betrayal. But when Naya told him, it was to inform him only and not to seek his blessing, for she knew her father wouldn't give it. More than that, Caiberd told her not to come back until she had entered her right mind. Throughout the argument, Vetla remained silent.

The Horde came through the Dark Portal (0) and sacked Stormwind (4), sending Naya, her family and thousands of refugees northward to Lordaeron. Altus and Naya went to Alterac to seek shelter and food from Caiberd, hoping time had healed the wounds of the marriage disagreement. But Caiberd never got over his daughter's marriage, and treated his daughter and her family with utter derision and contempt when they came for help. He called them beggars and their children mongrels. In front of his whole household he had Altus restrained and struck his daughter across the face. He called her ungrateful and selfish, and cast her and her family out of his house and out of Alterac, warning them never to return. It was a warning they wisely heeded.

Following the destruction of Stormwind, the Horde turned their attention northward. The seven human kingdoms gathered to discuss an alliance. All agreed to join forces against the Horde, but Caiberd knew there was more behind Aiden Perenolde's agreement than met the eyes of the other kings. Always a loyal patriot of Alterac, Caiberd wholly supported Perenolde's decision to betray the Alliance and allow the Horde passage through the kingdom (6). Perenolde would rather side with the Horde than face the inevitable destruction that would be visited upon the other human kingdoms. But Alterac's treachery was discovered- the kingdom was placed under martial law, and Perenolde, Caiberd and others confined to their homes until punishment could be determined. In the time before the war, Caiberd had become familiar with those of the dark side of society, and had indeed used their assistance to grow his wealth. To them he turned for aid in escaping house arrest, taking his wife and going into hiding. Through spies he closely kept watch on Alterac, waiting to see what would happen with Perenolde and the other nobles.

Though imprisoned, Perenolde still had power and influence. These he used to have his troops aid the Horde following its defeat (7). Perenolde's men stole artifacts that would aid Orc shamans in opening new portals to Azeroth and pave the way for new invasions. He sought the aid of the Horde in removing Alliance troops from his lands, and even had a mighty dragon attack a barracks holding men of Stromgarde and Lordaeron. These betrayals were discovered as well, and Perenolde was declared a traitor of the most vile sort. Somehow he escaped execution and went into hiding, where Caiberd caught up with him. Many of Alterac's citizens had been sent into exile following the kingdom's betrayal. They had no homes or food or means of survival, and despite Perenolde's role in the deciept, they now turned to him for leadership.

Perenolde knew that his people needed to stick together if they were to survive, and that drastic measures would be required if they were to reclaim their homes. Much of Alterac had been annexed by Stromgarde, and the task wouldn't be easy. Fortunately for Perenolde, help came in an unexpected way.

When the Scourge invaded Lordaeron (25), as many Alliance troops as could be spared answered the call to fight this new enemy. For his part, Perenolde didn't make the mistake of allying himself with the enemy as he had before. Rather, he used the distraction provided by the war to make bold moves back into his former kingdom. Those who were on the Alterac lands put up little resistance, already scared by the Scourge threat and lacking in sufficient protection from the Alliance forces, the overwhelming majority of which were committed to fighting the Undead. Little by little his raiding parties took over farms, villages, and towns, reclaiming the land in the name of the kingdom of Alterac.

The Undead failed to defeat the Alliance and lost a major defeat at Mount Hyjal (26), but large Scourge armies remained in Lordaeron, effectively ruining any chance of rebuilding that kingdom. The Alliance has had to settle for simply trying to keep the Scourge at bay. Unfortunately, a group of Undead became self-aware again, splintered from the Scourge, took over the capital city of Lordaeron and joined the resurging Horde as the Forsaken. As it was then, with both the Scourge and the Forsaken right on its borders, the Alliance had little resources to deal with Perenolde's growing criminal organization, known only as the Syndicate.

As for Caiberd, for his unfailing loyalty he was made one of Perenolde's chief lieutenants. He was able to reclaim his estate and personal security force. Using his connections throughout the Alliance, he found where his wife had been imprisoned and freed her. Caiberd's current role in the Syndicate is a secret known only to Perenolde and a few others. There can be little doubt, however, that he is privy and accessory to most, if not all, the Syndicates dark and criminal activity.

Side Note: If you're wondering about the picture at the beginning of the post, it's a photo of Bill Nighy, who would be the casting call for the part of Caiberd Layette (see previous post). His gaunt appearance, chilling voice and cold demeanor makes him perfect. I thought about Brian Cox as well, but Bill fit my mental image better.

(Fun little word jumble game: Caiberd Layette's name is scrambled from two words that match his character. See if you can figure it out...a prize for the one who gets it.)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Character Brief: Ravenholdt Guild

(Note: Okay, I know a guild isn't technically a character, but Ravenholdt includes several key people.)

Little is known about the man named Jorach Ravenholdt, and little more is known about the company he keeps. What is known is this: Jorach oversees a guild of rogues, spies, thieves and assassins, who operate outside the limits of any organized government (Jorach's mansion, located somewhere in the mountains north of Hillsbrad, is pictured above). How long the guild has been in operation, no one outside the organization knows (even some on the inside don't know). But the guild appears to be sympathetic to the Alliance and its allies, while at the same time showing no open hostility to the Horde. There are, in fact, members of the guild who are of the Horde races. The guild doesn't seem to support the Horde, it just doesn't actively operate in opposition to the Horde.

Most operations carried out by Ravenholdt's rogues target a criminal organization known as the Syndicate. The Syndicate comprises displaced citizens of the fallen kingdom of Alterac, punished by the Alliance for its treachery during the Second War. Seeking to preserve his people and grow his power, Lord Aiden Perenolde, ruler of Alterac, made a deal with Horde commanders: in exchange for his kingdom's safety, Perenolde would allow the Horde to pass through his lands unhindered. This and other acts committed by Perenolde and his ilk amounted to high treason. As punishment, Perenolde and his people were exiled, and their lands annexed by the Alliance kingdom of Stromgarde. In the years since, Perenolde slowly and quietly began to rebuild his forces, organizing them into the Syndicate. When the Scourge attacked, Perenolde took advantage of the Alliance's distraction to move in on his former lands. With the Alliance forces lessened after the brief war with the Horde, Perenolde's actions went nearly unchecked, to the point that now a sizeable portion of the lands near Hillsbrad, most of Alterac and much of Stromgarde are firmly under Syndicate control.

Why, exactly, Ravenholdt focuses so much on countering the Syndicate's operations is not clear. Perhaps Jorach has some grudge with Perenolde or other Alterac nobles; or it could just be that Jorach understands the magnitude of the threat that the Syndicate poses to the Alliance, in Hillsbrad and beyond. Whatever the reason, the Ravenholdt guild has proven itself willing and able to be a counter to the Syndicate's efforts.

Likely because of his age, Jorach doesn't often take an active part in carrying out operations; rather, he is the chief mind in planning the guild's actions. A man known only as Fahrad is the chief of operations, Jorach's right hand man and the lifeblood of the guild. His passion is unparalleled, though again the reasons aren't clear. One of Fahrad's best lieutenants is a blood elf named Myrokos Silentform. Clearly Myrokos, at one point, took up the cause of the high elves who renamed themselves "Sin'Dorei" following the devastation of Quel'Thalas by the Scourge. When or why he left the blood elves, or if he even followed them to Outland, is a mystery. His loyalty to Ravenholdt is beyond question, though, and both Jorach and Fahrad know that Myrokos is one of their best and most reliable assets.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Character Brief: Anu'Serr Stormshade

Anu'Serr, like most high elves, has been around for many thousands of years. He was born shortly after Dath'Remar Sunstrider led survivors of The Sundering (the devastation following the first war between the night elves and the Burning Legion- it's a long, but very interesting story) to the regions north of Lordaeron. The Quel'Dorei, as Sunstrider's followers called themselves (the name means "Noble Children"), founded the kingdom of Quel'Thalas. It was in this city that Anu'Serr was born (-3742). His first experience in battle came when the forest trolls in the regions around Quel'Thalas attacked the elven kingdom (ca. -3000). Anu'Serr, trained by the best Quel'Dorei rangers and warriors, displayed exceptional prowess in battle. Though the trolls were larger and stronger than the elves, Anu'Serr's speed and deftness often meant he could strike a fatal blow before the troll knew what was happening. Anu'Serr took upon himself training as a scout. He learned to be virtually invisible in the woods, capable of striking from even the smallest of shadows. His skill with blades is difficult to match, and his cool head nearly always prevails in combat.

After the ultimate defeat of the forest trolls, Anu'Serr continued to serve Quel'Thalas as a scout, keeping an eye out in case the trolls tried to retaliate. Some years before the First War, Anu'Serr was sent to the Hinterlands to help establish the hunting lodge, named Quel'Danil ("Sun Peak"). Again, he took the role of scout and watchmen, because of the high troll population in the Hinterlands. Though the forest trolls had split into several smaller tribes, their hatred for the elves was as strong as ever. When the Wildhammer dwarves settled at Aerie Peak, they found a kinship with the elves and the two began working together to safeguard their lands from the troll threat.

Anu'Serr went to war against the Horde in the Second War (6), and was marching with others to defend Quel'Thalas when it was all but decimated by the Horde. He was deeply affected when he saw the vast destruction visited on the city of his birth, and in him a hatred for the Horde began to grow. He finished out the war, helped rebuild Quel'Thalas, and returned to Quel'Danil, (7).

Anu'Serr first became acquainted with the Tien family during a Wildhammer festival to which the Quel'Danil rangers had been invited (9). He watched young Nikolas win and archery competition, and narrowly lose a youth sword-fighting challenge. He was immediately impressed by the boy's skill at a young age. Anu'Serr got to know the family better when the elves invited the Tiens to visit. Some of them remembered fighting alongside Altus in the Second War and welcomed him and his family warmly.

The Tiens started to visit Quel'Danil regularly, and it was during these visits that young Nikolas became Anu'Serr's pupil (11). He taught the boy everything he needed to know about being a master ranger, from hand to hand combat to archery to the finer points of being unseen, even in broad daylight. Nikolas learned quickly, and after a short time began accompanying his elven mentor in patrolling the Hinterlands. Anu'Serr developed a strong bond with Nikolas, and despite their age difference, the two became as close as brothers.

When the Scourge began its destruction of Lordaeron (25), Anu'Serr immediately returned to Quel'Thalas to help defend it (Nikolas met up with his father in the defense of Darrowshire). Neither he nor the other elves could have possibly been prepared for the destruction that would rain down on their beloved city when the Scourge marched on it, led by the corrupted human Prince Arthas Menethil. Arthas and his minions tore through the elven defenses, murdering thousands of elves and raising their corpses as Undead soldiers. Even the captain of the elven rangers, Sylvanas Windrunner, could not escape the Scourge onslaught.

The Scourge retreated, having met their objective in corrupting the Sunwell, the source of the high elves' magical ability. Anu'Serr was one of few survivors- he was some distance from the central fighting at Quel'Thalas' gates, and thus escaped the brunt of the Undead offensive. He and the other survivors were deeply affected by their losses, and though Anu'Serr stayed long enough to help in some of the rebuilding, the sorrow became too much and he returned to the Hinterlands.

Since his return he has done much as he did before- protect the elven and dwarven lands from troll encroachment. When many of the high elves took upon themselves the name Sin'Dorei ("blood elf") in memory of Quel'Thalas' destruction, Anu'Serr didn't join them, choosing instead to remain in the Hinterlands forest where he felt safe and strong. Staying with the few high elves who shared his decision meant he had fewer elven peers, but he and the high elves were spared from the struggles that would face the Blood Elves as they followed their leader, Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider, to Outland.

Anu'Serr is quiet and reflective, often becoming enveloped in his thoughts and sorrow and grief over his people's recent suffering. His moments of serenity and happiness come in remembering good times long past with the others at Quel'Danil. Anu'Serr rarely laughs, but is good-natured. His reserved disposition, however, gives those who don't know him the perception that he is cold and distant.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Character Brief: Dobrin Hammerstone

Dobrin is a dwarf of the small Hammerstone Clan, a family with a proud tradition of being blacksmiths, which in turn is part of the larger Wildhammer Clan living at Aerie Peak. Born after the War of the Three Hammers (-137), when the three major dwarven clans (Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, and Dark Iron) parted ways, Dobrin has only known life in the Hinterlands. Like all Wildhammers, he was raised riding the mighty gryphons of Aerie Peak and battling the forest trolls in the mountian regions. He learned smithing from his father, Mordin, from the time he was a lad.

Dobrin first met Altus Tien while the latter was serving diplomatic responsibilities for the Clerics of Northshire (-8). While there, Altus came to Dobrin for repairs to his horsecart. The two became fast friends, due in large part to a mutual friendly nature. Altus always made time to have a drink or four with Dobrin whenever he visited Aerie Peak: Altus would tell tales of his travels, while Dobrin would regale his friend with stories of battle. After Altus got married, it would be some years before the two friends met again.

Dobrin was reunited with Altus during the Second War (6). When the Tiens came north to Lordaeron following the Horde's invasion of Stormwind, Altus was almost immediately called into action again, as the human kingdoms united to stand against the Orcs. To aid them in their cause, the human kings gained the allegiance of several races, including the Wildhammers and their mighty gryphons. By chance, Altus and Dobrin were assigned to the same battle group. Dobrin met with misfortune in the bloody battle or Dun Algaz, when his gryphon took several arrows in its head and neck and crashed. Dobrin was only lightly hurt, but almost immediately engaged by two Orcs. Quickly dispatching the smaller of the two, Dobrin had not the strength to match the larger Orc blow for blow, and fell before his foe. When the Orc swung his axe for the killer blow, Dobrin managed to deflect it away from his head and chest, but the blade cleaved the lower part of his leg off. Before the Orc could strike again, he was felled by Elven rangers. Altus, who had seen his friend fall, rushed over to offer healing. He managed to heal Dobrin as much as possible, but the Orc's axe had been enchanted with dark magic, and so Dobrin could not gain his leg back.

Dobrin was fitted with a wooden leg, with which he learned how to fight on foot, though he would never fly in battle again. He managed to continue fighting alongside Altus all the way to the Burning Steppes, where the Horde met its defeat (7). After the war, he returned to the Hinterlands and continued plying his trade as a blacksmith. Dobrin also invited Altus and his family to live in the Hinterlands, as they had been left without a permanent home since the destruction of Stormwind. Altus accepted the invitation, rather than return south, and with the help of Dobrin and his clan built a home and farmstead for his family (8).

Dobrin remained close with Altus and his family, teaching the Tien children some things about the Wildhammers. He helped teach them how to care for and even ride the mighty gryphons; he taught them about nature and the vast dwarven history; and, most importantly for Nikolas, he introduced them to the high elves living at the Quel'Danil hunting lodge, to the southeast of Aerie Peak.

When Altus and Naya left for Tyr's Hand (22), Dobrin agreed to keep an eye on Nikolas, who was now spending much of his time with the elves at Quel'Danil. When Nikolas went to help Altus at Darrowshire, Dobrin wanted to go, but didn't for fear his injury would slow Nikolas down (25).

Since then, age and injury have kept Dobrin at Aerie Peak. He serves as a source of familiarity and a foundation for Nikolas during his frequent visits to the Hinterlands. In the last few years, Dobrin has also begun performing diplomatic duties to the Bronzebeard dwarf garrison at Dun Garok, southeast of Hillsbrad.

Dobrin is kind, wise, and often mellow...except when he participates in that most sacred of dwarven traditions: getting sloshed on ale and brew.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Casting Call

I mentioned earlier that as this story is born, I find it easier to imagine some of the characters using familiar faces, particularly those of actors and actresses. It's like casting a movie: who would I choose to play a particular role were I making this story into a film?

The following are my initial choices, some of whom were no-brainers once I thought of it, and others upon whom I decided after some thought. I'm also including brief thoughts on why I decided on this particular actor/actress to play the part.

Let me know what you think- if you like the choice, let me know. If you don't, let me know. And especially if you can think of someone who might be better, please let me know- I invite all your thoughts.

Nikolas Tien- main character

This one was a no-brainer- as soon as I thought of Henry Ian Cusick as Nikolas, it was a perfect fit. Nikolas is a character with complex emotions- his loyalty is strong, but over the course of his life he's had to change them for different reasons. This causes some conflict for him. He's kind and can be very gentle, but he also has fierce determination to do the things he believes are right and is dangerous in the right situation. In watching him play Desmond on Lost, Cusick has shown the ability to be all of the above and a lot more.

Altus Tien - Nikolas' father

My original thought for Altus was Bernard Hill, best known as Theoden in the Lord of the Rings movies and the ship's captain in Titanic. But then, as the timeline of the story and characters' lives became clearer, I realized Hill is too old, or at least seems too old. Altus was about 54 when he died, and though Kenneth Branagh is short of that by about 6 years, I feel he can clearly convey Altus' wisdom and strength while not looking to old or young.

Naya Tien - Nikolas' Mother

This one has given me some trouble. I still haven't made a final decision between the two actresses pictured below (Monica Belluci and Diane Lane), though I'm leaning toward Bellucci at this point. Naya comes from an aristocratic family and from a kingdom that is proud and arrogant. For that reason I envisioned a woman with a fierce beauty and elegant countenance. My friend Jeff suggested Diane Lane, and I balked at first, since based on the movies she was in, she didn't seem to fit. But the more I thought about it, the more she did seem to match the mold. About a day later Monica Bellucci popped up as another possibility, and now I haven't decided between the two. With Bellucci, you'd have to add 15-20 years to her look to make her old enough to be Nikolas' mother (there's about a 24-year-difference). Lane is about the same age as Bellucci, but has a more mature look about her, so the imagination wouldn't have to stretch as far.

Let me know what you think- which woman do you think makes a better Naya?

Katia Tien - Nikolas' younger sister

Katia is an interesting character, in that she matches and differs from her family at the same time. She is like her father in that she fiercely follows her principles, like her mother in beauty and emotional strength, but at one time similar to and different from Nikolas. While over the course of his life Nikolas finds his beliefs and principles challenged and changing, Katia sticks to her guns, pretty much no matter what.

So I needed someone as strikingly beautiful as her mother, soft like her father, and strong-willed. Kate Beckinsale came to mind, and the idea stuck.

Dobrin Hammerstone - friend of Tien family

For Dobrin, I needed someone to play a gruff and rough dwarf- someone who's been around, seen a lot, and lived to tell the tale. I needed someone who could be wise and thoughtful one minute, and a tipsy tall-tale-teller the next. James Cosmo, whom you would recognize from movies like Braveheart, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Troy, was the easy choice for this role. Just shrink him down to half-size, and give him long silver hair, a long silver beard, and a mug of ale in his hand.

Anu'Serr Stormshade - High Elven ranger, mentor to Nikolas

Figuring out who the elves are is a bit difficult. I want them to be, in the same moment, like and unlike Peter Jackson's portrayal of elves in the Lord of the Rings movies. For Anu'Serr and Myrokos, I chose the actors based more on their character and personalities than their looks. Anu'Serr is the elf from whom Nikolas learns most of what he knows about combat, stealth, and subtlety. Anu'Serr is a stoic fighter, one who channels his anger at the recent suffering of his people and his inherent hatred of the trolls whom he fights almost daily into adrenaline and energy for battle. He is fierce, loyal and solemn; he smiles seldom and is usually quiet. Who better for that role than Liev Schreiber?

Jorach Ravenholdt- master of Ravenholdt guild of rogues and spies

Very little is known about Jorach Ravenholdt, or the guild over which he is master. I have to use a lot more imagination for him, since he's an already-existing character in the Warcraft Universe. When I played, I always hoped more would be done Ravenholdt and his guild, and it may still be done. For now, I imagine him to be a wizened, experienced master of espionage, assassination and stealth. His age precludes him from active duty, but he is still master and teaches his rogues how to be the best. He is loyal to the Alliance, but remains unaffiliated in order to keep his operations free from bureaucratic barriers. I'll elaborate more in his character brief, but Christopher Plummer was, again, a very easy choice for this role.

Fahrad - leads operations for Ravenholdt guild

Fahrad is the operational leader for the Ravenholdt guild, a protege of Jorach and rogue of unparalleled skill. Again, he is a character that already exists in Warcraft, and about whom little is written or known. He is smart, clever, and suspicious by nature. However, he trusts implicitly those to whom Jorach gives his vote of confidence.

Myrokos Silentform - Ravenholdt spy, friend to Nikolas

Like his name, Myrokos is quiet and calculating, and if he doesn't want to be seen, he won't be. Another already-existing-in-Warcraft-yet-exteremely-vaguely-understood character, he becomes Nikolas' best friend in the Ravenholdt guild. A high elf like Annu'Serr, he took the name "blood elf" like many of his kin after their near-annihilation at the hands of the Scourge. As such, he carries heavy weights of sorrow and anger, both of which he very rarely shows. Paul Bettany, one of Hollywood's best kept secrets, could be the only choice (though I originally liked Edward Norton).

Marcus Redpath - commander of Alliance forces in Southshore

The commander of the Alliance forces in Hillsbrad, where most of the story will take place (I think), Marcus is patient and strong. He and his soldiers are beleagured on all sides by many threats, big and small, obvious and subtle. Having lost much of his family in the war with the Scourge, Marcus remains steadfastly faithful to the Light and to the Alliance. He is wise and intelligent. Sean Bean beat out David Wenham for the role (Wenham is too young, I felt), and I like Bean as a good guy, a very good guy, for once.

So there you have it. That's the "main cast," so to speak. What do you think about the choices? As the story continues to find form, maybe someone else sticks out in your mind, someone whom your mind's eye conjures when you read about a certain character, different than the options mentioned above. Let me know what you think. I welcome all and any input.

Thank you for being patient with me. I really enjoy imagining the characters I'm trying to write about, and it's a slow process. So thanks for hanging in there with me.