Anu'Serr, like most high elves, has been around for many thousands of years. He was born shortly after Dath'Remar Sunstrider led survivors of The Sundering (the devastation following the first war between the night elves and the Burning Legion- it's a long, but very interesting story) to the regions north of Lordaeron. The Quel'Dorei, as Sunstrider's followers called themselves (the name means "Noble Children"), founded the kingdom of Quel'Thalas. It was in this city that Anu'Serr was born (-3742). His first experience in battle came when the forest trolls in the regions around Quel'Thalas attacked the elven kingdom (ca. -3000). Anu'Serr, trained by the best Quel'Dorei rangers and warriors, displayed exceptional prowess in battle. Though the trolls were larger and stronger than the elves, Anu'Serr's speed and deftness often meant he could strike a fatal blow before the troll knew what was happening. Anu'Serr took upon himself training as a scout. He learned to be virtually invisible in the woods, capable of striking from even the smallest of shadows. His skill with blades is difficult to match, and his cool head nearly always prevails in combat.
After the ultimate defeat of the forest trolls, Anu'Serr continued to serve Quel'Thalas as a scout, keeping an eye out in case the trolls tried to retaliate. Some years before the First War, Anu'Serr was sent to the Hinterlands to help establish the hunting lodge, named Quel'Danil ("Sun Peak"). Again, he took the role of scout and watchmen, because of the high troll population in the Hinterlands. Though the forest trolls had split into several smaller tribes, their hatred for the elves was as strong as ever. When the Wildhammer dwarves settled at Aerie Peak, they found a kinship with the elves and the two began working together to safeguard their lands from the troll threat.
Anu'Serr went to war against the Horde in the Second War (6), and was marching with others to defend Quel'Thalas when it was all but decimated by the Horde. He was deeply affected when he saw the vast destruction visited on the city of his birth, and in him a hatred for the Horde began to grow. He finished out the war, helped rebuild Quel'Thalas, and returned to Quel'Danil, (7).
Anu'Serr first became acquainted with the Tien family during a Wildhammer festival to which the Quel'Danil rangers had been invited (9). He watched young Nikolas win and archery competition, and narrowly lose a youth sword-fighting challenge. He was immediately impressed by the boy's skill at a young age. Anu'Serr got to know the family better when the elves invited the Tiens to visit. Some of them remembered fighting alongside Altus in the Second War and welcomed him and his family warmly.
The Tiens started to visit Quel'Danil regularly, and it was during these visits that young Nikolas became Anu'Serr's pupil (11). He taught the boy everything he needed to know about being a master ranger, from hand to hand combat to archery to the finer points of being unseen, even in broad daylight. Nikolas learned quickly, and after a short time began accompanying his elven mentor in patrolling the Hinterlands. Anu'Serr developed a strong bond with Nikolas, and despite their age difference, the two became as close as brothers.
When the Scourge began its destruction of Lordaeron (25), Anu'Serr immediately returned to Quel'Thalas to help defend it (Nikolas met up with his father in the defense of Darrowshire). Neither he nor the other elves could have possibly been prepared for the destruction that would rain down on their beloved city when the Scourge marched on it, led by the corrupted human Prince Arthas Menethil. Arthas and his minions tore through the elven defenses, murdering thousands of elves and raising their corpses as Undead soldiers. Even the captain of the elven rangers, Sylvanas Windrunner, could not escape the Scourge onslaught.
The Scourge retreated, having met their objective in corrupting the Sunwell, the source of the high elves' magical ability. Anu'Serr was one of few survivors- he was some distance from the central fighting at Quel'Thalas' gates, and thus escaped the brunt of the Undead offensive. He and the other survivors were deeply affected by their losses, and though Anu'Serr stayed long enough to help in some of the rebuilding, the sorrow became too much and he returned to the Hinterlands.
Since his return he has done much as he did before- protect the elven and dwarven lands from troll encroachment. When many of the high elves took upon themselves the name Sin'Dorei ("blood elf") in memory of Quel'Thalas' destruction, Anu'Serr didn't join them, choosing instead to remain in the Hinterlands forest where he felt safe and strong. Staying with the few high elves who shared his decision meant he had fewer elven peers, but he and the high elves were spared from the struggles that would face the Blood Elves as they followed their leader, Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider, to Outland.
Anu'Serr is quiet and reflective, often becoming enveloped in his thoughts and sorrow and grief over his people's recent suffering. His moments of serenity and happiness come in remembering good times long past with the others at Quel'Danil. Anu'Serr rarely laughs, but is good-natured. His reserved disposition, however, gives those who don't know him the perception that he is cold and distant.
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