Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another Teaser

Southshore (image from

Some miles away on the road from Silverpine to Southshore, Fitch Millen wiped his dagger on the ground, leaving streaks of blood on the grass. He looked around, seeing no one except his small band. They had managed to pull off the heist without arousing suspicion, something not easy in the busy travel hours of the morning. Outnumbered almost two to one, the four travelers had been easy to manage. Fitch's sharpshooters had taken the guards out by expertly hitting them in the neck with their crossbows. The other two barely had time to reach for their weapons before Fitch and the other three had them on the ground. Glosser and Bilgi had shaken them down, taking their money and other valuables. Then the men had been stripped before Fitch cut their throats. The bandits dragged the bodies and covered them with branches some yards from the road, out of sight and mind. None of them were worried about discovery- mountain lions or moss spiders would likely find the corpses before anyone else.
Of most interest to Fitch was what had fallen out of one traveler's shoe- a note wrapped around a small key. The note had only a few symbols written on them, Elvish by the look of them. That was odd- the man carrying it was human, as were his companions. Fitch began to wonder where the man had come from, and where he was going.
He looked toward the road- the travelers had been heading east, and by the looks of their provisions would have had to stop sometime soon. That put their likely destinations at either Hillsbrad or Southshore; smaller villages wouldn't have made good refitters.
He looked back toward his men. "Bilgi!"
The mute hulk of a man looked up.
"You get their papers yet?"
The brute nodded, then brought the documents to Fitch. It took him a minute to find what he wanted: the group had come from Ambermill, an Alliance town on the edge of Silverpine Forest. They were headed.....there. Southshore, like Finch thought. Their business was listed as a non-commercial personal visit, and they were to stay only a day or so. Beyond that, there was little useful information. But Finch had a destination, and the fact that the man had hidden this key could only mean one thing: whatever it unlocked was or contained something valuable, and that thing was probably in Southshore.
Rounding up his band of brigands, they headed southeast toward the seaport. Before heading to the bank, Fitch had to find someone who could decipher the symbols on the note. Fortunately, the Syndicate had men in Southshore who could.
Yes, Finch thought to himself, this could be something good, something to win the appreciation of Lord Layette. And that was a rare and valuable commodity.

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