Wednesday, March 23, 2011


As I write this I am safe from the reach of those who call themselves your friends. I will not reveal details, but with the help of others I was able to escape while on the road from the Monastery to Hearthglen. I have been doubly lucky to have my life today. I believe it was the intention of Falt Greyhaft, the commander of my escorts, to have me killed along the way, likely during a supposed escape attempt. He might have succeeded if not for my rescue. And of course I have you to thank for convincing your lords to spare my life. I know you must have many questions about why I was arrested and eligible for death in the first place. I promise to answer those questions as soon as is practical. For now, I want you to know I am alright. I will write to Mother as well, but if you are able please convey this news to her. I hope you are well, and I will write again as soon as possible.



Sarah Lambson said...

Hey brother!

I finally caught up on what you have written here. And I am impressed. I feel like I always have a problem writing believable dialogue, a problem you don't seem to have. I envy you there.

I read this and remember fondly the times that all I wanted to write was an epic fantasy. Truth is, I think us novice writers have problems writing epics before we have finished something small. So I agree with Elise. I like the idea of writing small novellas and combining them. Short is easier to start off with.

Miss you,

Keep writing!

Peeser said...

Okay, so I'm confused now- my Google Reader allowed me to read Katia's response to Nikolas' letter, which I wanted to comment on. But that excerpt is not on here, and when I tried to click the link from my Google Reader, it gave me an error message... Did you delete it?

Anyway, I'll just comment on both letters and the story in general.

I really like how it's coming together- I like the pieces I read, and I look forward to seeing how they'll all fit together.

(By the way- thanks for having that list of "Dramatis personae"- it is such a helpful reference- I often keep forgetting that it's there. It helps me keep track of some of the characters. Now, I'll just have to patiently wait to find out how Bas fits into all of this- he seems like he may become important later on?)

Keep it coming!

Steve said...

Sorry about that- I deleted the response letter because, as per usual, I'm changing my approach. I'd still like to see what you had to say about it, though.