The following are my initial choices, some of whom were no-brainers once I thought of it, and others upon whom I decided after some thought. I'm also including brief thoughts on why I decided on this particular actor/actress to play the part.
Let me know what you think- if you like the choice, let me know. If you don't, let me know. And especially if you can think of someone who might be better, please let me know- I invite all your thoughts.
Nikolas Tien- main character
This one was a no-brainer- as soon as I thought of Henry Ian Cusick as Nikolas, it was a perfect fit. Nikolas is a character with complex emotions- his loyalty is strong, but over the course of his life he's had to change them for different reasons. This causes some conflict for him. He's kind and can be very gentle, but he also has fierce determination to do the things he believes are right and is dangerous in the right situation. In watching him play Desmond on Lost, Cusick has shown the ability to be all of the above and a lot more.
Altus Tien - Nikolas' father
My original thought for Altus was Bernard Hill, best known as Theoden in the Lord of the Rings movies and the ship's captain in Titanic. But then, as the timeline of the story and characters' lives became clearer, I realized Hill is too old, or at least seems too old. Altus was about 54 when he died, and though Kenneth Branagh is short of that by about 6 years, I feel he can clearly convey Altus' wisdom and strength while not looking to old or young.
Naya Tien - Nikolas' Mother
This one has given me some trouble. I still haven't made a final decision between the two actresses pictured below (Monica Belluci and Diane Lane), though I'm leaning toward Bellucci at this point. Naya comes from an aristocratic family and from a kingdom that is proud and arrogant. For that reason I envisioned a woman with a fierce beauty and elegant countenance. My friend Jeff suggested Diane Lane, and I balked at first, since based on the movies she was in, she didn't seem to fit. But the more I thought about it, the more she did seem to match the mold. About a day later Monica Bellucci popped up as another possibility, and now I haven't decided between the two. With Bellucci, you'd have to add 15-20 years to her look to make her old enough to be Nikolas' mother (there's about a 24-year-difference). Lane is about the same age as Bellucci, but has a more mature look about her, so the imagination wouldn't have to stretch as far.
Let me know what you think- which woman do you think makes a better Naya?
Katia Tien - Nikolas' younger sister
Katia is an interesting character, in that she matches and differs from her family at the same time. She is like her father in that she fiercely follows her principles, like her mother in beauty and emotional strength, but at one time similar to and different from Nikolas. While over the course of his life Nikolas finds his beliefs and principles challenged and changing, Katia sticks to her guns, pretty much no matter what.
So I needed someone as strikingly beautiful as her mother, soft like her father, and strong-willed. Kate Beckinsale came to mind, and the idea stuck.
Dobrin Hammerstone - friend of Tien family
For Dobrin, I needed someone to play a gruff and rough dwarf- someone who's been around, seen a lot, and lived to tell the tale. I needed someone who could be wise and thoughtful one minute, and a tipsy tall-tale-teller the next. James Cosmo, whom you would recognize from movies like Braveheart, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Troy, was the easy choice for this role. Just shrink him down to half-size, and give him long silver hair, a long silver beard, and a mug of ale in his hand.
Anu'Serr Stormshade - High Elven ranger, mentor to Nikolas
Figuring out who the elves are is a bit difficult. I want them to be, in the same moment, like and unlike Peter Jackson's portrayal of elves in the Lord of the Rings movies. For Anu'Serr and Myrokos, I chose the actors based more on their character and personalities than their looks. Anu'Serr is the elf from whom Nikolas learns most of what he knows about combat, stealth, and subtlety. Anu'Serr is a stoic fighter, one who channels his anger at the recent suffering of his people and his inherent hatred of the trolls whom he fights almost daily into adrenaline and energy for battle. He is fierce, loyal and solemn; he smiles seldom and is usually quiet. Who better for that role than Liev Schreiber?
Jorach Ravenholdt- master of Ravenholdt guild of rogues and spies
Very little is known about Jorach Ravenholdt, or the guild over which he is master. I have to use a lot more imagination for him, since he's an already-existing character in the Warcraft Universe. When I played, I always hoped more would be done Ravenholdt and his guild, and it may still be done. For now, I imagine him to be a wizened, experienced master of espionage, assassination and stealth. His age precludes him from active duty, but he is still master and teaches his rogues how to be the best. He is loyal to the Alliance, but remains unaffiliated in order to keep his operations free from bureaucratic barriers. I'll elaborate more in his character brief, but Christopher Plummer was, again, a very easy choice for this role.
Fahrad - leads operations for Ravenholdt guild
Fahrad is the operational leader for the Ravenholdt guild, a protege of Jorach and rogue of unparalleled skill. Again, he is a character that already exists in Warcraft, and about whom little is written or known. He is smart, clever, and suspicious by nature. However, he trusts implicitly those to whom Jorach gives his vote of confidence.
Myrokos Silentform - Ravenholdt spy, friend to Nikolas
Like his name, Myrokos is quiet and calculating, and if he doesn't want to be seen, he won't be. Another already-existing-in-Warcraft-yet-exteremely-vaguely-understood character, he becomes Nikolas' best friend in the Ravenholdt guild. A high elf like Annu'Serr, he took the name "blood elf" like many of his kin after their near-annihilation at the hands of the Scourge. As such, he carries heavy weights of sorrow and anger, both of which he very rarely shows. Paul Bettany, one of Hollywood's best kept secrets, could be the only choice (though I originally liked Edward Norton).
Marcus Redpath - commander of Alliance forces in Southshore
The commander of the Alliance forces in Hillsbrad, where most of the story will take place (I think), Marcus is patient and strong. He and his soldiers are beleagured on all sides by many threats, big and small, obvious and subtle. Having lost much of his family in the war with the Scourge, Marcus remains steadfastly faithful to the Light and to the Alliance. He is wise and intelligent. Sean Bean beat out David Wenham for the role (Wenham is too young, I felt), and I like Bean as a good guy, a very good guy, for once.
So there you have it. That's the "main cast," so to speak. What do you think about the choices? As the story continues to find form, maybe someone else sticks out in your mind, someone whom your mind's eye conjures when you read about a certain character, different than the options mentioned above. Let me know what you think. I welcome all and any input.
Thank you for being patient with me. I really enjoy imagining the characters I'm trying to write about, and it's a slow process. So thanks for hanging in there with me.
I really like them all. Kirsti would LOVE that you picture Paul Bettany as one of the Characters. If this ever got made into a movie, she would go see it just because of him.
Diane Lane all the way, though I think I picture the character with dark hair and Diana Lane would NOT look good with dark hair.
Aredxmas-I love the story line and the fact that someone who enjoys WoW is finally taken the Rogue lore seriously becuase there is nowere near enough,because it has so much potential.On another note I love the choice in the cast though I will admit I did imagine a few other choices in mind,and if you don't mind I would like to list them.First as Nikolas,Viggo Mortensen and how he looked in Lord of the Rings,Second as Jorach Liam Neeson and how he looked in Batman Begins but with slightly grayer and longer hair,Third as Fahrad,Thomas Jane when he played Frank Castle in 2004's The Punisher (think how he looked after he recovered from getting shot,you know when had the beard and long hair only a little more clean shaven),Forth as Myrokos Orlando Bloom and how he looked like in Lord of the Rings,and I love how u chose James Cosmo just think of him like he was in Braveheart just abit shorter!
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