Friday, December 4, 2009

The Will of Darkness, Part I

What parts of Northdale might have looked like before the Legion invaded

"Brothers, tonight everything we've worked toward will be ours. All the promises we've been given will be fulfilled. The glory to which we all aspire is within our grasp, but you must do your duty this night."
James Grekov leaned on the table in front of him, staring intensely at each of the men (and a few women) gathered before him. The Wolf's Tooth Tavern was packed, each person fully dedicated to the same cause as the one next to him. Well, James thought, almost everyone was so dedicated. Standing tall again, he continued his speech.
"There may be some with doubts. Our calling is to bring every soul in this land to our Master, willing or otherwise. Many are your friends, and some are your family. They do not, will not understand what it is we do for them. But you know, as well as I know, that all may partake in the great future promised to us.
"Some will resist, but we must not give in. Some will fight back, but we must not falter. Some in this room may even lose their life this night, but take heart, my friends: such are blessed to be able to taste the glory for which we all strive. Such are the luckier of us, for their fate shall be sealed soon."
James slowly began adding volume and intensity to his voice. "But to those who survive, though we all wish for the sweet taste of death, that we may then taste life, I say this: we must live, so that others may die and be reborn. This is our calling, this is what our Master would have us do!
By now, James was practically shouting, speaking with as much fervor and zeal as he could muster. "Death will come to us all, my friends, but not yet. First, we must do our Master's's will this night, and then we may stand ready for the reward which is promised. Are you ready?"
The walls of the packed tavern shook with cries of support and affirmation. James couldn't help but smile as he saw dozens of men and women just like him, people willing, even desiring to lay down their lives for their Master, though none, not even James, had ever seen him. Oh, James thought, he was real enough. James had felt his power, had felt his embrace when he traded his soul for the promise of immortality. Some others here had similar experiences, but most were going on faith that what was to happen tonight was the right course of action.
Well, James promised each one of them silently, your faith will be rewarded. And soon.
With a final word he dismissed everyone from the tavern, each person knowing his or her assignment. Tonight, James mused, they would spread across the land like the darkness they had come to love, and by sunrise, Northdale and its surrounding farms would be covered in the blood of those not willing to submit to the will of darkness. Yes, blood would flow tonight, and James would drink it in; he would glut himself in a show of devotion to the One whom he served.
As he followed the driven crowds out of the tavern, James failed to notice that not everyone had left. A tall figure clad in dark clothes slipped from the shadows into the kitchen, and outside through the scullery.

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