Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Models to Follow

Yes, I know it's been more than four months. But I haven't been slacking off completely. Nikolas is a developing character, and I'm finding it time-consuming to try and hone down my ideas into the story I want to tell. So, that's still in progress.

In the meantime, let me share some Warcraft fan-fiction discoveries that I found truly enjoyable. There are good fan-fics and bad ones, and far too few of the former. But I found a couple that you might enjoy if you like this sort of thing:

Kuma's Song
- I'm not sure who wrote this, but it's very well-written. The tauren warrior Kuma is among the first to fight alongside the Horde in the Eastern Kingdoms, but finds the new war is not what it seems. He then discovers that a new path may be calling to him.

It's deep while simple, easy to follow while deep in its message. Worth the small amount of time.

Travels Through Azeroth and Outland - Destron, an Undead mage who can still pass for a living one, makes his way through and around the two worlds, cataloging his journey and finds and meetings.

Entertaining and painstakingly loyal to the world of Warcraft as it is.

Blood and Light - I haven't read a lot of this yet, but it has things that have interested me since I started playing WoW- the Plaguelands, the Scarlet Crusade, Stratholme, etc.

Okay, that's all for now- I'm putting these links in a list on the sidebar and will add as I find new gems. Hopefully some kind of update on my story will be up soon. Thanks for sticking around!

1 comment:

Peeser said...

Hey, I know what you mean by time-consuming... I have recently been feeling the need to get back to my own writing- we'll see how I do.

Whenever you get back to it, I look forward to re-discovering this fascinating story...

I do remember asking you a million years ago (okay, so maybe it was just a few months...) about what colors you wanted for the swords- if you want to give me any color ideas (even if the sword is just black and brown), I'd be happy to try and re-draw them in color for you...